
Amy Wright


About Amy

Amy has been a successful copywriter for more than two decades. She got her start in writing at an award-winning newspaper in Virginia, where she was a reporter for two years. After relocating to Birmingham, she spent two years writing for a direct-mail agency, and then three years as Copywriter and Senior Copywriter in the in-house marketing department at HealthSouth Corporation. She was instrumental in the founding of two agencies, Big Communications in Birmingham and Moxie Interactive in Atlanta.

Over the years she has worked consistently with BBVA Compass, supporting both their marketing and online content groups. Working both with agencies and in-house marketing departments, Amy has worked national, international, and regional accounts including Verizon Wireless, Regions Bank, Wells Fargo, IberiaBank, Little Debbie, Hyatt Hotels, 2nd and Charles, Asurion, Protective Life, Royal Cup Coffee, Trojan Battery Company, Mars, Ipsen Pharmaceuticals, and countless credit unions and regional banks. Amy has a B.A. in English and Philosophy from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.