Jessica Hewins

Senior Art Director


About Jessica

Jessica began her creative journey as a freelance graphic designer with Whale in early 2016 and is currently our Senior Art Director. Her love for graphic design was nurtured at the University of Tampa, where she graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She also studied visual communications in London, which fueled her passion for studying and exploring international design trends. Over the past decade, she’s lent her artistic talents to a diverse array of clients, ranging from corporate organizations to independent startups, sprinkling in some entrepreneurial endeavors along the way. Her favorite part of her job is of diving into a brief and delivering purposeful and impactful visuals to help clients achieve results and uniquely express their brand. When not designing, Jessica can be found hiking in the White Mountains of New England, traveling far and wide in search of the perfect loaf of bread, and generally doing things that her 6-year-old self would approve of.

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